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Above Ground Piffles!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Simple stuff is fun - long live the Piffle.

Not on the ground, but well...

Rather large:

On/in temporary ground (frozen lake):

Best regards,


You've moved the boundaries further and opened up a new region of piffledom! We don't have to look at down to see the wind piffling patterns of the water or piffles others would miss on the ground. Now we can look around and above the ground!

The table is especially neat! :)


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
At Last, Piffling Above The Ground!

Simple stuff is fun - long live the Piffle.

Not on the ground, but well...

Rather large:

On/in temporary ground (frozen lake):

Best regards,


You've moved the boundaries further and opened up a new region of piffledom! We don't have to look at down to see the wind piffling patterns of the water or piffles others would miss on the ground. Now we can look around and above the ground!

The table is especially neat! :)


Michael Nagel

Well-known member
You've moved the boundaries further and opened up a new region of piffledom! We don't have to look at down to see the wind piffling patterns of the water or piffles others would miss on the ground. Now we can look around and above the ground!

The table is especially neat! :)[/QUOTE
Thanks Asher!

More - it is getting cold on the northern hemisphere - you could need this:

Be careful when a trees wants to hand you snow:

Waiting to pick up the mail?

Best regards,

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Be careful when a trees wants to hand you snow:


We're not supposed to stage piffles as they are factive, LOL! :)

So here's an above ground piffle for you, passing a construction site tonight:


Asher Kelman: Passing By

Los Angeles 2012

Canon 5D II 70-200 2.8L IS, ISO 6400

Just a snap, but it works as a good piffle!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Yes, it's obvious or else you waited for the snow to pile up and get shaped by the wind! :) Gut gerfpifled! :)


Jarmo Juntunen

Well-known member
Tigger's Tight Spot


I guess I'll keep on pifflin', I'm gonna
Sing my song/Sh-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, I've gotta find my baby
I'm gonna piffle on, sing my song
Gonna work my way all around the world
Baby, baby/piffle on, yeah​

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Tigger's Tight Spot


I guess I'll keep on pifflin', I'm gonna
Sing my song/Sh-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, I've gotta find my baby
I'm gonna piffle on, sing my song
Gonna work my way all around the world
Baby, baby/piffle on, yeah​

You need a back up video on your car, LOL! That could have been a neighbors kid!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief


We're not supposed to stage piffles as they are factive, LOL! :)


this one wasn't staged, it may look incredible, but I found it like this.
Some person found the glove and put it on the branch so it can be easily seen.
I just happened to see it...

Best regards,


Of course it's obvious it wasn't staged, otherwise it would require several days weathering and snow sculpting abilities even beyond the capabilities of the KGB, CIA and Mossad. It's just my sense of humor! It only works if everyone realizes that this is not staged!

Your sharp eyes, catches, what most of us pass by! I was at a scientific conference and braving the cold rain in Detroit, downtown back to out hotel. We passed homeless men and women, huddled in doorways. I asked my colleagues what had we just seen? None of my 5 friends had even noticed the unfortunate people in the doorways!

So I think we, as photographers, can take it for granted that others constantly scan our surroundings as you do, and also recognize the extraordinary finds you discover. However, most of us are simply not wired to do that and miss such a lot.

Be assured, I always appreciate your ability to pull out the extraordinary from amongst the mundane, my clumsy humor, notwithstanding!
