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My daughter's last (reg season) Fastpitch game

Jeff Mims

New member
She's been a 4 year varsity starting catcher, and the pitcher has also been a varsity starter for 4 years.
Tonight was Senior night. Last home game, last reg season game. Playoffs next week. An emotional night.

1. I'll be back in a minute.

2. You didn't have to rush back

3. Catch this

4. Bring it
The men's Pan Am Championship in Guadalajara is a qualyfier for the ISF Worlds, but I don't know if there will be a Men's tournament in Guadalajara 2011 Panamerican Games. If yes, I think the Guatemala tournament november 2010 would de the qualyfier to the Pan Am Games at least, this was the way it worked with women. The Pan Am Tournament in Maracay, Venezuela, qualyfied the teams to the ISF Worlds and Pan Am Games.


Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
I love the first so much-I am female- what I see as you have captured is a secret between the the 2
and females have secrets-
great capture-
great metaphor!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Jeff Mims: I'll be back in a minute.

I love the first so much-I am female- what I see as you have captured is a secret between the the 2 and females have secrets-great capture-great metaphor!


You're right! It's good when pictures are more than what they were at the time of the action.
