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    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. S

    Finishing Touches

    A place where things are taken care of by those who care. just another day
  2. Tim Dolan (Longwatcher)

    Melissa Dancing at Park

    I am liking this photo enough I am sharing it here as well. The shoot was mostly for me to play with my relatively new camera (Canon R5c) outdoors, I am still trying to get used to the different way it focuses than my 1DsM3. It is hugely different (as in 45 focus points versus 1024 focus points...
  3. S

    Art in the Park

    up in Meredith, New Hampshire
  4. P

    Whadya Think?

    Village park in Colombia.
  5. M

    Dog Park

    The dog in the foreground is Sammee. Her former dwelling was a northern reserve. She was most likely part of in feral pack. Her life owes to a humane policeman that couldn't bear to shoot a young pregnant dog during a periodic cull. She had three pups after arrival at the rescue centre. The vet...
  6. S

    Bryce walk around

  7. J

    Iron Sculpture (with apologies)

    to Antonio Correia for stealing his title, but it made me think of this; Kodak 12" Portrait lens doing what it does best, beautiful form. 6.5X8.5 film. Old Kodak.
  8. Antonio Correia

    Small park

    Here, two simple shots of this morning walk. Simple pictures...
  9. J

    Colorado National Monument

    Joe Thomas : Colorado National Monument Okay. I just got back late last night from my camping trip to the Black Canyon and the Colorado National Monument. I was able to snap some pictures while I was there. Whatcha think?