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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
CNN Projection in a major culmination of days of slow meticulous hard work of counting the American Waiting!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
You must be so relieved Asher.
Every aspect of Trump’s presidency was completely nauseating.

You can breathe again.
With his supporters marching with burning torches, I thought of Hitler’s forces marching into Paris! It was vulgar and disgusting!

Trump allowed all the hidden hate to be packed as White Nationalism but it’s was actually based on racial hatred!

People were already enquiring about moving to Canada to protect their children from police!

Napoleon took the results and rewards of the bloody French Revolution, the orators of the French Assembly and the streets of Paris, that is the “Rights of Man“ belonging to all citizens, throughout France, (including very resentful Alsace) and forced it on each nation he conquered. That was his gift to the world.

However, the America’s were run by Christian Colonialists who believed they had God ob their side! The Americans who wrote the Constitution and boasted of “Liberty” were frauds as they pretended they offered civilization, but actually they had no intention of giving slaves and women equal standing as the Citoyen of the French Revolution! It was a huge con job!

It has taken a lot of blood and tears to get to this point!

Hitler’s hosted intense, nurturing, introductions to powerful generals and aristocracy, polishing, training and penning Mein Kampfe, in the Wagner Estate In Getmany, was funded by the avid racist, Henry Ford. The infamous antisemetic Nuremberg race laws were based on current Southern USA anti-negro laws. The “computer” data “punch cards” for classifying and tracking Jews was a gift of IBM

.....and the hatred of Jews was a permanent gift of Constantine and Martin Luther for death of Christ!

Trump essentially encouraged and thus brought back the fascist Brown Shirts!

We have reversed that!

Now begins America’s chance of grasping, comprehending and hopefully catching up with the French Constitution and an understanding of the ACTUAL worth and nobility each citizen and the ESSENTIAL placing religion as a private protected matter, Never part of the State!

We use the words “Freedom” and honor re of flag & police in the place of decency and treasuring of the human soul!

This is why this revolution is so important. Black political commentators wept on the news!
