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A view to the north

Tracy Lebenzon

New member

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief


This is a picture with a lot of faint zones of hills in the distance. The dark areas of the foreground are almost empty but have subtle elements are variation in tone. So mainly the eyes are drawn to two static points to the left and to the right. So this is an unusual composition. It's tranquil and calming. In this giant expanse, all is quiet and the tree stand high as sentinels.

One bird would be nice. but then it would be a different picture!


P.S. on second thoughts, consider the left last one inch. Does the picture really need this. It seems to me to weaken the composition. :)

Tracy Lebenzon

New member
Thanks Asher, for the thoughtful feedback.

The image is about forms and colors. While I have an HDR series of captures that brings out all details in the lower hills, doing so causes a loss in the overall romantic quality that this holds.

The intent is to capture the last light on the hilltops and the beauty of the sky, and to let the viewer’s imagination fill in the details.....or not.

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

Beautiful! I do not know much about pano work
but I do know this is just stunning- the color are outrageous beautiful


Mark Hampton

New member
> the viewer becomes trapped...

Why do panos make you feel trapped?


why when you are not stupid do you quote the part of the post that suits your agenda...

"pano compositions rarely seem to work for me and mostly rely on the fact there is so much detail the viewer becomes trapped..."

and recontextualise?

And ignore the postive ?

Your colour work is good - "I liked the colour and rhythm the hills make here. "

so your images are colour for me.

next time I comment on your products I will charge you a fee....


Tracy Lebenzon

New member
Asher, this site has so many positive and intelligent people who are regulars, can you tell me if the forum software has an ignore feature that can be used for laughable trolls such as mister “I will charge you a fee” above, or are people such as him a part of the experience that has to be endured?


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
Asher, this site has so many positive and intelligent people who are regulars, can you tell me if the forum software has an ignore feature that can be used for laughable trolls such as mister “I will charge you a fee” above, or are people such as him a part of the experience that has to be endured?


Tracy, I don't think Mark Hampton is a troll. Peculiar, certainly, but a forum like this one needs some peculiar people. You may want to read the whole exchange again, click on the link about the colors, check whether the question you asked was already answered, this kind of things.

Probably Mark also needs to learn something from the exchange, but I am not sure what.

Excuse me for the intrusion in your conversation.

Mark Hampton

New member
Asher, this site has so many positive and intelligent people who are regulars, can you tell me if the forum software has an ignore feature that can be used for laughable trolls such as mister “I will charge you a fee” above, or are people such as him a part of the experience that has to be endured?


Tracy... tracy...trace

may i cal you tra..

well you have me bang to lefts ! I am a troll. I only post remarks that are negative and never make any positive suggestions to pish some divets off on the tinternet....

i have no clue about art or photography in particular - i don't even make my own work .... I just search google and post images that I like !

oh there was a phase .... less is bigger ...nope... less is hope.... nope I can't recall it !

oh well...