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Isle of Skye

janet Smith

pro member
Just a couple of shots from my recent trip to Scotland, will post more when I get time....


These rusty old buoys were at Achiltibuie in NW Scotland, I was fascinated by their texture.


Loch Slapin, Isle of Skye
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Kathy Rappaport

pro member
Janet - wonderful image of Isle of Skye. Love the reflections and the clouds. One more reason to put that destination on my travel wishlist. (My first reason is I grew up with a Skye Terrier)

janet Smith

pro member
Hi Kathy

Thank you, yes Skye is a lovely place, we spent a lovely tranquil week there and were blessed with some nice weather, I've loads more...... will post some more soon. Skye is definately worth a visit, make sure you go one day.

Loch Slapin was just behind the house we stayed in, our dog loved swimming and catching crabs on the shore, a great place for her as well as us, the silence was loud it was so exceptionally peaceful, nothing could be heard but bird song, just beautiful.....

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

The colors are particularly wonderful. What camera and lens and what is your secret post processing?

The clouds are detailed and voluminous, giving shadows and reflections too. This is a three for one effect on the composition.

I wonder whether or not some local contrast and sharpening work on the mountains and green fields will add to the 3 D effect. Also I might consider sharpening the leaves at the very lower left as a depth reference point and anchor for the vision as the eye explores the picture.


janet Smith

pro member
Hi Asher

Thanks for your comments, these were taken with 5D + 24mm lens, no secret pp, the scene is exactly as it was shot. It was one of those days that Scotland is particularly prone to....raining one minute, sunny the next, the sun just popped out briefly and lit up the clouds, just lucky. Good suggestions about sharpening thank you, will have a look when I get time.....

janet Smith

pro member
Hi Ben

I've looked at your website and your shots are just beautiful, it would seem that you and I have been following each other around! I have a very similar shot from Elgol on my website, and was in Arnisdale and Corran about 4 weeks ago, having holidayed there and all over the far north west for years, small world.....

Ben Rubinstein

pro member
Velvia 100 for the colour and Delta 100 for the B&W. Unfortunately the lab messed up with the processing, there were quite a few great frames that suffered badly from dirt and streaking. One is unuseable, completely unprintable (the image below) which is a shame because it was to me a very thoughtful image.
That trip was just after my mother passed away from a 3rd bout of cancer in '04 at the age of 50. Me and my wife took my youngest brother (he was 18 at the time) away to try and both bond and help him get over it. My photos in general have a common theme of loneliness though it took me until very recently to realise it but maybe more than any of the others I feel that the photos from that trip really do express my subconscious feelings at that time.


Ben Rubinstein

pro member
Damn, got me thinking, I went back to the image, it wasn't a great scan but I realised that all the crud was in the blue channel. A quick gaussian blur in the blue channel and masked with only the crud painted out and it's actually very good. Reworked it to make it look nearer to how I saw it when I took the photo and viola!


I'm going to send it back for a full works 16 bit scan at full resolution and I think we will have a very decent image at the end of it. Only problem is that it's a very very hard image to get right in print without the shadows blocking at the bottom. Well, we'll see...

Ben Rubinstein

pro member
OK, just got that pic up on my website which included some interesting hacking of LR web slideshows as I had deleted LR in between making the original and this one and hadn't remembered all the hoops I'd gone through to make it appear as it does. All I need to do now I've offered it for sale, is to actually get it rescanned and worked on. If I was selling that fast I would worry about it! :)