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The Real ARLO!

Erie Patsellis

pro member
or this one of Arlo (yes, THE Arlo) at a local concert:

F3/MD4 180 2.8 @ 2.8, handheld @ 1/60th

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Guys,

Do you know who ARLO was/is?

Surely you have had the opportunity to photograph the remarkable musicians of our time. So they're a piece of film? Find a way to scan them. A photograph? Use your digital camera,


Erie Patsellis

pro member
OK, since you insist, I shot this a month or so ago at a local music/street festival, for those that dont' know who Edgar Winter is, he was one of the earliest keyboard players to adopt the synthesizer in the 70's, Not the best, exposure wise, but with a little more tweaking, should make a usable image. I consider this one of the ulitmate Edgar Winter shots from that day, captures the essence of him.


Ken Heeter

New member
I was lucky enough to see Edgar Winter this summer. Man, he can still rock! He was touring with Ringo Star and his all star band (Colin Hay, Billy Squier, Hamish Stuart, Edgar Winter, and first timer Gary Wright and on drums, Gregg Bissonette, Richard Marx was at the show and did a couple of songs with them).
I have a part time gig working event security at several venues and stadiums here. The contacts I’ve made so far have helped me secure field credentials to shoot our MLS team (4 matches so far, 2 left) and I’m hoping to move into concerts once I hone my skills with locals first.

Sorry, got off track. My question is this – we still have a few outdoor festivals left this fall and I was wondering if anyone has ever had any problems with security asking you not to shoot the bands without credentials (outside of the pit). The fests are free, held in public places and the web sites say nothing about professional equipment restrictions. (BTW I work backstage so I don’t know what happens out front beyond the pit). Any help is appreciated.
Ken Heeter