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A little bit of fall

Ron Morse

New member
I took some time and went to a favorite fall place last Fri. 10/11/08. I had planned on taking some M/F lense pictures but took the wrong bag and had none when I got their.

After I took this and many more with the 28-135 IS, I realized I had my favorite 17-55 2.8 IS with me and went back and took some more.



Well-known member
Hi Ron,

This pictures communicates the feeling of fall extremely well. But I think that maybe it needs some cropping from the right and the bottom. Just a little.

Thanks for sharing, it is a beautiful place to be at :).



Well-known member
Thank you Cem and thanks for replying.

Please give me your reasons for the crop suggestions.
The vertical tree on the right is half in the frame. It makes me look at it and I then attempt to find out what is outside of the frame. So it distracts and takes my gaze away from the main area of interest.

The horizontal crop will lower the horizon from being right down in the middle of the image to about the golden ratio.


Ron Morse

New member
Thanks Cem.

I'm not much of a landscaper, but thought that was about what your reason would be.

Thanks for taking the time.

Ron Morse

New member
The leaves are about gone here, but the oak leaves last quite a while. The beech leaves stay at even -40 deg f.

Not the best background but I wanted to catch them while the light was pleasing.

CZJ flek 35/2.4
The leaves are about gone here, but the oak leaves last quite a while. The beech leaves stay at even -40 deg f.

Not the best background but I wanted to catch them while the light was pleasing.

Hi Ron,

Over here the light isn't all that good. It's overcast a lot of the time, which makes it difficult to get some sensation of depth into the image. You managed to get the color perspective (warm colors in the foreground, cool colors in the background) right. I also prefer to get up close, but one will have to grab what's available.

Maybe your image would improve a bit if the blue was made darker, so it draws a bit less attention, and the foreground automatically becomes even more prominent?

Thanks for sharing,