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Just for Fun No C&C will be given: Oh, heaven help us now..........

Jim Galli

....the other day I was surfing around ebay and found this by accident. A soft focus lens that fits the D200!!



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Fabulous! This is something I really like.

The softness goes with the dedication often involved in the making of the shoes foe a person in one's family. There's a photographer I know who's dad made a pair of clods for both her and her sister and this picture reminded me of the affection that goes with this effort.

What is the mount for this? I hesitate to ask since could very well be a hose clamp on a piece of black pipe!


Jim Galli

Hi Asher. No hose clamps. It's a cheap little Spiratone Portragon with a threaded adapter for Nikon. It appears to be a single element meniscus.