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Piclens (currently called Cooliris)

I understand it's been around dor a while , but I only learned about it today.
It's a FANSTASTIC was to show oww your work.
The only caveat: click the proper browser button before downloading the pluging
Attached is a screenshot of my 2007 collection in a Piclens "wall" view.


  • piclens screenshot web.jpg
    piclens screenshot web.jpg
    19.4 KB · Views: 266

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Hi Nikolaï

funny you post about Piclens, this is a technology we're dealing with for a par of our next website!

Really impressive.

Another good thing thing is that apart screen hardcopy, one cannot drag a picture to one's desktop. Not bad… ;-)

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Me likes this Piclens!

I may well add it to my wordpress blog.

Anyone know what the server side overhead is?

Not more than videos!

want to have a look ?

click on the lower left corner of main image…

Safari 3 is not well supported (no wall) (nor IE7), Mac users should use Firefox to enjoy…

BTW our new website (http://www.claris.fr/) were laucnched yesterday, some improvements and translation to come;-)

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator

Absolute class!

How many images in total?

I'm using Firefox and its smooth as silk.

Excellent job.

Thanks John and Bear

good to know it works outside our office;-)

How many images? no idea! I just know that we'll add more soon…

What i cool is that Sebastien (our inhouse webmaster) could "federate" the different galleries so that they can be wiewed with PicLens separately or all together… He got some "good" headache!

The galleires where originally done with 800 pix image, because we're tired that bigger image get stolen… this is why, when viewed full screen with PicLens they may look soft… the prive to pay for us to protect our images…


New member

In fact I'm so impressed I had to put this Red Bull - London 2007 Gallery together....20mins work!

There's some mileage and opportunity in this one, let's hope it develops.

I couldn't get the Wordpress plugin to work (conflicts with other javascript), but I do have some ideas on using the RSS feed from my existing gallery to auto populate the Piclens media feed. More thought needed!

Piclens is quite the cool plugin. It also works with YouTube for videos.

Although, there one unrelated problem from my end, the contents of the <body> element are not centered. This means that on large screens everything is flush left (left justified) which disrupts the visitors visual flow during their browsing experience. Since you have only one or two seconds to catch a visitors attention, wasting that time making them visually re-orient is detrimental to you communication goals.

In general a site should be either be fully justified (left and right with dynamic width) or centered if the site is fixed width. Anything else just makes using your site harder. If I have to resize one of my large web browsing windows to deal with an uncentered site I typically just close the window and do not bother with it. And I am likely to be less fickle than most consumers.

some thoughts, <smile>
