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Imants K


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Imants,

Thanks for the post! I cannot comment beyond fascinated as I'm in pain from a trigger point in my back but wanted to get your post on the air! I thought someone has banned you and had to check, LOL!



New member
I'm in pain from a trigger point in my back..........

You'd have thought that your assailant would have had the decency to shoot you from the front :)

As a fellow sufferer from back pain I wish you a speedy recovery.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi James,

Imants K is a well known exhibition/performance photographer with cutting edge and sometimes obscure humor. You might see this version evolve into something else over the next several days or even be deleted. His works are not always meant to be fixed or even stay around. If you look at his websites, you might be pleasantly surprised. Feel free to bring back any gems you find or understanding you glean. I'm typing through a cloud of chemicals right now, so you might well do better than I in interpretation.

All I can say for the moment is that there is a ripped gap in a texture of a wall or paint which indicates some decay and defect of some importance. This is perhaps some alliteration of Da Vinci, i.e. perhaps some conspiracy that leads to war (Canon) or is it our worship of Canon the camera, the electronic things we collect and rely on, or both. It might be that with the two music notes, there's a word, after all this is perhaps written as a mystery to be deciphered. So that's the best I can do!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
For folks who don't know the gallery, it's the Brunswick Street Gallery in Fitzroy, Melbourne, Australia, not New York, USA!!

So, "Calling Folks From Melbourne" can you visit the exhibit for us?
