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RAW Clouds

doug anderson

New member

Didn't quite know where to put this on the forum. Nevertheless. The dark clouds were moving very fast and sliding over the white ones. I found this ominous -- not really like a storm coming in, but like a dark force.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Doug,

These clouds perplex me too! Yes it's interesting. However, one of the problems with magnificent happenings like passing clouds is the movement and grandeur may just not seem to get into the shot. It might be there but may need work to bring it out or else it might be beyond our reach. When you see the layers of soft wisps of ephemeral list cross another cloud, the light changes in an infinite orchestration of tonalities.

This picture seems to fall short in the magnificence category. But why? Certainly the light clouds are interesting. Still the dark clouds have little form to attract one's attention. Perhaps the shot is far to close and needs to be zoomed out to get the shear width and scope of the cloudscape. To crop closely like this and have the black with little form may lose power that was so obvious to you.

I tried to maximize the impact of the picture as best as I could to discover what you found.

Doug Clouds_edited.jpg

doug anderson

New member
Asher: I like your version better. It's always frustrating to be knocked out by something and not be able to photograph it at a fraction of its intensity. I'm told a photo gets about 1/100 of what the eye sees.
