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Spaces w bars/poles/wires: Cages, "go go "dancer, prison, store, windows

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Any pictures with the motif of bars/wire barriers would be welcomed! To expand OPF exhibition on spaces. This deals with all the variations by which repeats of lines, bars or wire defines space or celebrates power, authority and or limits.


Any pictures with the motif of bars would be welcomed! To expand OPF exhibition on spaces.

Hi Asher,

Nothing exhibition worthy, but just an attempt (posted earlier) to jog the creative juices of others:


Well, I doubt this is what you are looking for (yikes) but I'll put it here anyways, because it is definitely a cage. If it does not belong here, feel free to delete my post.
Original has no border or text. This is simply one I had ready for my website.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Actually, Bart and Maggie, the only way to explore the subset of spaces under the motif, cage" is to think as you do. Then it's the multidimensional constructs that occur in exhibition assembly that created within the viewer, passing by, a cauldron for their own new ideas, as they add from their own tool box and libraries of experience.

So let's continue!

Don't think, too much, just try!

