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1DS MKIII (MK3) high ISO samples 500-3200 ISO

Hi Warren,

Thank you for taking the trouble to share these with us! I am sure there are a bunch of guys here who'd like RAW files to analyze (black frames at different shutter speeds to analyze read noise, etc... you know who you are...) :)

To be honest (and setting aside the fact that it has an amazing 21MP resolution), I am not terribly impressed with the ISO3200 shot (having seen the likes of the Nikon D3) - the 5D still looks better in my opinion, and I think my 1D MkIIN still gives it a go - the 1DsMkIII looks better in the shadows, but overall the noise seems a lot more fine-grained (more detail is retained) in the old 1D MkIIN.

I have posted a 100% crop in similar (i.e. pretty bad) lighting conditions, this one in the 1/80s @ f/2.8 @ ISO3200 range (taken with 100mm Macro) - is it just me seeing this? My shot has absolutely no NR applied, and was converted from RAW with default settings in Apple Aperture. The only characteristic I don't like is the poor transition into the shadows, but in my crop, the noise pattern seems a lot finer - an overall sharper image. (this could, of course, simply be attributed to focus - your 50L is very difficult to focus accurately at f/1.6 I have found out recently...)

100% Crop (EOS 1D Mk IIN) at ISO3200 (click to see image, originally found on this page in my gallery).

Also, is it me, or is there a bit of banding going across the guy in the bottom left's shirt?

I don't want to knock this sure-to-be-amazing camera, the noise at ISO3200 sure looks fantastic, but I do think that, if ultimate resolution is not your quest, this camera will not be the 'noise king' at such high sensitivities... Then again, if you down-sample these incredibly large files, the apparent noise (which is, after all, what counts in the end) should be superb.

I am afraid I am sticking to my 1d MkIIN for quite some time to come - it serves all my needs, and I could never justify the expense of a new Ds. In this context, I am not trying to jealously detract from your files (as so many people do, who like to attack things out of their reach) - this is simply my view that, at ISO3200, it looks very similar (and, per-pixel, seems to retain less detail) to what I am seeing in my own files. Thus, it does not seem much better than the current 1Ds MkII - confirming Canon's drive to (sadly) persue resolution over signal-to-noise ratio.

I'd love for them to keep the resolution of the next 5D the same as the current one, but halve its noise!
Works for me, I am not canceling my order yet :)

Given that I shoot 90% of my stuff at ISO100. For the rare times I use higher ISO the samples looks fairly good to me. An impression of higher color noise then intensity noise, but that is okay it is easier these days to filter out color noise.

I recently compared the official D3 samples with some of my actual 1DsMkII shots and my actual 1DsMkII won, but then I am a bit bias and was looking for detail loss as a major factor.

While Warren's shots don't lend me a lot of detail to compare against (except the hair and that is always bad to use) it looks fairly good to me. I did not compare the Warren's shots with my 1DsMkII real world stuff because I don't have any comparable images in terms of light - I did versus the D3 images I found.

All I need is some more patience.