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My World: Not sure where I fit in LOL

Meagan Rivard

New member
I am not sure that I am a newbie as I've had a camera in my hand since junior high, but I have very little in-depth knowledge. Most of my pics are based on gut feelings and lots of trys.

Hello Everyone! I'm Meg, Meagan, Cowgirl, or Tiny. LOL I answer to all of them. I'm 24 and live in Texas.

My picture passions are my husband, dogs, horses, landscapes and a few portraits here and there.

My 3 favorites that I have ever taken.




I am hoping to make a few friends that can help me get better pictures and possibly I can show them my passions as well.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Dog, horse and open landscape. how could you do better!


These are great elements to work with, each has my favorite gold, brown and sienna colors, but the last one is sublime!

Glad you found us!


Meagan Rivard

New member
Thank you for the compliments. All 3 of those were taken while my husband and I were on our honeymoon in Colorado. We took our 2 horses and our fur baby Grace to spend a week riding in the mountains. It was better than we could have ever imagined.

fahim mohammed

Well-known member
Meagan, you fit in wherever you choose to do.

My wife has posted my pics in the ' Pets ' category.
I have seen animals in the 'portrait' section.
Religion in the ' landscape ' section.
And ' boring ' pictures all over the place. As well as ' pretty ' ones.
Not forgetting flowers in the ' nudes ' section.

Just make sure you enjoy.
Meagan, you fit in wherever you choose to do.

My wife has posted my pics in the ' Pets ' category.
I have seen animals in the 'portrait' section.
Religion in the ' landscape ' section.
And ' boring ' pictures all over the place. As well as ' pretty ' ones.
Not forgetting flowers in the ' nudes ' section.

Just make sure you enjoy.

Hear, hear, or +1 as we're supposed to say these days.
