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Texas: bigger, always - better, not always so much

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
The first headline of the new year in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:

Texas is still No. 1 for death penalty

And by a long shot, even per capita.

Still, the number in 2011, 13 (out of 43 nationwide), was a 15-year low. But, as with other economic indicators, recovery is expected for 2012, with 6 events scheduled for the first three months of the new year.

We might hope that as a deterrent, it would have reduced the number of capital murders. As a result, it would hardly any more be necessary to give the death penalty. But I guess not.

Still, the number is down from 40 in the year 2000. But 238 people have been executed during the tenure (11 years so far) of current governor J. R. "Rick" Perry.

There has been a recent change in the Texas policy. No longer will the condemned person be able to order the last meal of his choice. (One recent condemnee refused to eat any of the elaborate meal he ordered. In this time of widespread hunger among Texas' poor, we can't have that sort of waste going on.)

We have great highways in Texas. And much fine music.

Best regards,
