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Trunk Crossing

John Maio

pro member
Digilux-3. Image was sepia toned in PS to give it a "last days of the earth" look :)
Location: In the Rio Grande Bosque


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
John Maio said:
Digilux-3. Image was sepia toned in PS to give it a "last days of the earth" look :)
Location: In the Rio Grande Bosque

I love the process. Is this fall or dead trees? Your anchoring of the composition by the tree on the left being partially visible is powerful.

How are you going to print it?

Thanks for sharing,


John Maio

pro member

There was a fire along this area 2 - 3 years ago. The trees are dead, but already new growth is starting.

I used Fred Miranda's B&W Pro plug-in for photoshop to accomplish the effect. Its an inexpensive but capable B&W conversion tool, which (obviously) also allows one to made duotones, tri-tones, and even quad tones, among other things.

I'm not sure yet about printing. I did run a test 8X10 on me little Epson and it holds up very well.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I stopped using his actions when the upgrades we adding up.

Once I got into using channels to make B&W conversion, I lost track with FM work.

I do like the light shining on the branches.

These fires actually are needed as some plants only germinate after a fire!
