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First 2021 shooting at sea, in La Rochelle…

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Temperature 8°C (46° Fahrenheit), wind 15-20 knots gusting to 37 knots... Cold!!!
Imagine you're standing on the hood of a car driving at 20 km/h on a dirt road with potholes every 3 meters… On these photos one cannot see the real height of the wave, not that were really high, but enough to feel like being on a shaker!


Waiting for the catamaran Lagoon 55 (feet) to be ready with sails up and well set


Shoot with the 300 mm to stay out of the field of the drome shooting the video

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Close enough to be able to shoot with the 35mm


I am not allowed to show more of the Lagoon 55 #1, I have to wait for the marketing team of the yard to give the green light...

About numbers…
One knot is 1,15078mile/hour so 37 knots is almost 43 miles/hour, but when the boat is sailing at 10 knots facing the wind, the real wind speed become 47 knots which is 54 mile/hour.
Try standing on the hood of your car driving at 54 Mph on a bumpy road... ;)
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
This is crazy!

I can’t figure how you havectge strength and stamina to do this work!

Nicolas, I am amazed and worryfor you!

You are not a 23 year old Viking!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
This is crazy!

I can’t figure how you havectge strength and stamina to do this work!

Nicolas, I am amazed and worryfor you!

You are not a 23 year old Viking!

Don't worry, there is still strength and stamina left in the old Viking who is ready to challenge the 23 year olds... on his own (only! ;) ) playing field

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief


I hope you don’t mind me cropping to look at that very interesting set of sails more closely. The main sail is quite rectangular and there’s space for a an extra huge foresail (or is it a spinnaker?)!

Altogether it’s very handsome and must mean a lot of force is harnessed and it must have motorized winches as a crew couldn't change positions with such a grand cabin!

I love the bold and unique sail design from an esthetic point of view. What special characteristics does this have for a luxury cruising motor yacht, which this seems to be?


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Thank you Cem and Asher…

@Asher, sorry, I can't unveil the characteristics of the boat, it's too early!
The fore sail is named a "Code 0" somewhat in between a Genoa and a spinnaker.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
This wave, bigger than the others, completely submerged Romain and I as well as our cameras... After a quick but meticulous rinsing and drying of the gear, the shoot could continue...



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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thank you Cem and Asher…

@Asher, sorry, I can't unveil the characteristics of the boat, it's too early!
The fore sail is named a "Code 0" somewhat in between a Genoa and a spinnaker.
Well this adaptable sail seems ideal for light winds. Perhaps the design for “Puff of Wind III”

I would omit or just “abstract” the cruising cabins!
