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My online art print shop is open!

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Really glad to announce to all OPFers that my online art print shop is open!
Prints are limited to 30 copies all formats included, numbered with certificate of authenticity. Printed under my control by the professional lab. Lebolabo.

Pages are mostly bilingual!
If it is not translated it’s because it’s lies in the core engine of Woocommerce for which I can’t access… :(

Enjoy the visit! https://claris-gallery.com and share as much as you wish if you like it! ;)


Direct access to the series


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James Lemon

Well-known member
I own many pictures but they are in digital format only. I trade, buy and sell them. Do you sell these to corporate clients for office buildings and such? Can we rent them for a period of time and then change up the theme in a few months?

Peter Dexter

Well-known member
Congratulations, a very professional looking website and nice variety of subjects. I'm confused though by the attached statement: "Prints are limited to 30 copies all formats included, numbered with certificate of authenticity.". If the images are derived from digital photographs you've taken are they not infinitely reproducible? I understand the limited edition concept as applied to lithographs from litho stones, etchings on metal plates and silkscreens for example as the source of the image breaks down after multiple printings to the point that prints can no longer be produced but what would limit reproduction of digital images?

Anyway it's a great enterprise and probably more of us should look into the commercial potential of our photographs.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
I own many pictures but they are in digital format only. I trade, buy and sell them. Do you sell these to corporate clients for office buildings and such? Can we rent them for a period of time and then change up the theme in a few months?
Hi James,
Sorry for the delay, but I've been busy thses last days and missed your post…
As for now, I have sold prints during exhibitions to corporate clients as well as private "collectionneurs" (collectors in English?) but I'm very new to sell online…
No, prints cannot be rent, I know the concept and there are some brick and mortar galleries here in Bordeaux who does that (not only photographs but also painyings, sculpture etc.)
A bit too complicated for me to organize…

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Congratulations, a very professional looking website and nice variety of subjects. I'm confused though by the attached statement: "Prints are limited to 30 copies all formats included, numbered with certificate of authenticity.". If the images are derived from digital photographs you've taken are they not infinitely reproducible? I understand the limited edition concept as applied to lithographs from litho stones, etchings on metal plates and silkscreens for example as the source of the image breaks down after multiple printings to the point that prints can no longer be produced but what would limit reproduction of digital images?

Anyway it's a great enterprise and probably more of us should look into the commercial potential of our photographs.
Hi Peter
Thank you for the kind comments!
Technically, you're right one could print by thousands, but this is a commercial and fiscal thing.
I have offically signed that I will not print and sell more than 30 copies of each fine art prints :
  • What is rare is more exclusive therefore has more value
  • It is here in France at least the condition to get fiscal advantages for the personal buyer 5% tax (VAT) only and for corporates the possibility to deduct 20% of the cost each year for a period of 5 years (with some other conditions related to the company, not the artist)

The Fédération Française des Galeries d’Art Photographique certifies that Nicolas Claris – Photographer signed the Charter of commitment of the Federation.
As such, Nicolas Claris committed himself to respect the legal provisions concerning works of art. The photographic prints offered for sale are indeed works of art made in limited series under the control of the author and numbered, accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

Tom dinning

Irrespective of the nature of the website, Nic, I do enjoy your imagery.
If I could afford them, I’d have one filling a blank spot on my walls.
I’m especially draw to those which deviate from the usual suspects of sunsets, forest scenes or animals.
I have no commercial interest in photography but rest assured, your images are as valuable as any I know.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Irrespective of the nature of the website, Nic, I do enjoy your imagery.
If I could afford them, I’d have one filling a blank spot on my walls.
I’m especially draw to those which deviate from the usual suspects of sunsets, forest scenes or animals.
I have no commercial interest in photography but rest assured, your images are as valuable as any I know.
Thank you @Tom coming from you, what a compliment!
I'd be curious to know which one you'd hang on your blank wall...

Tom dinning

Thank you @Tom coming from you, what a compliment!
I'd be curious to know which one you'd hang on your blank wall...

I didn’t mean to hurt you in any way, Nic. I hope I didn’t draw blood.
You’re so right, though. Complements from me are rare indeed. That’s not because I don’t have likes and dislikes. It’s more debilitating than that.
I don’t really value my own judgement. After all it’s just an opinion and opinions are thick on the ground and easily mistaken for dog shit.
My interest is more academic than aesthetic.
Your images, in spite of their aesthetic appeal, have a very purposeful feel to them. They are of what you see,in your own special way. It’s as if you’re showing me something I might have missed. Or perhaps you are telling me something I didn’t know.
Even your abstractions are whispering to me : “don’t look for objectivity; seek out the meaning.”

I have no favourites. That would imply I like some more than others. That in itself is judgemental and opinionated.
You’ll just need to be satisfied with the enjoyment I’m getting from looking at them.

One thing. I’m not a sea faring type. I get violently ill on any sort of boat and find sailing vessels an extravagant waste of time and money. So I might be skipping over those in your collection. I’d much prefer to be in the helicopter with you while you take the shots.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I posted my reaction and joy at your achievement in Facebook. Could you link it here?

I observe and celebrate that you have achieved a broad set of high level skills in seeing, observing and then “image-making” using a multitude of parameters over the years, progressing in your vision, skills and creative output.
The future holds well for you in further growth and development that will thrill and surprise you.

So stay steadfast on your course and make sure you get rest and don’t get drunk while the Coronavirus is hunting folk like us over 60!

I join other OPFrs in wishing you success in sales from your fabulous bilingual website! Even without sales, you have already “arrived”!


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
I didn’t mean to hurt you in any way, Nic. I hope I didn’t draw blood.

Not a drop!

Your images, in spite of their aesthetic appeal, have a very purposeful feel to them. They are of what you see,in your own special way. It’s as if you’re showing me something I might have missed. Or perhaps you are telling me something I didn’t know.
Even your abstractions are whispering to me : “don’t look for objectivity; seek out the meaning.”

Exactly. I show what I see/feel, I point my finger to something I like/love or just feel interesting, hoping that others will appreciate

One thing. I’m not a sea faring type. I get violently ill on any sort of boat and find sailing vessels an extravagant waste of time and money.

Right. Except for work boats…
I have to admit that I did include in the gallery both sail and power boats for commercial reasons only: they sell (no pun)

So I might be skipping over those in your collection. I’d much prefer to be in the helicopter with you while you take the shots.

Depending of your weight, you're welcome!
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nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator

Thanks for your Facebook comment:

“Nicolas Claris is a mature experienced and sensitive expression of the best of French culture: he values the human mind and spirit and treasures worth in human endeavor and achievement.

His diverse refined photography expresses with panache, these measures of awe and respect for nature and man challenging himself in every sphere. His style is influenced by the milieux. He may take us to a world of boiling sky and fast waves or a tranquil emerald bay on some isolated Caribbean island.

He may flash us in the color red, celebrating love, blushing brides or sacrifice on the edge of a sword.

He is a Jorge Luis Borges, but of France, with a camera instead of a typewriter, but he can switch lens and languages in equal measure to meet the needs of his unique way of viewing the world.

His Art work is high approachable and I myself am avid collector!”

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Last Friday, I had the great pleasure to read this post on @Maggie Terlecki's Facebook page
Thank you so much Maggie, that's a real treat and I hope that your followers did enjoy browsing my galleries :)

While just about everyone is sequestered at home,
it is a good time to enjoy a bit of art which
will also help take your mind off of Covid19 for a bit.

A friend of mine and amazing photographer, Nicolas Claris,
from France has finished putting up his new website showing
a mixture of both his commercial work and his personal projects.

Besides taking pictures hanging out of helicopters to capture
luxury yachts, his personal work is so beautiful in a very different and more sensitive way.
Please take time to visit his website now!

PS Unfortunately I'm not able to send a huge bouquet of tulips to Maggie, but It's done by mind :)
Last Friday, I had the great pleasure to read this post on @Maggie Terlecki's Facebook page
Thank you so much Maggie, that's a real treat and I hope that your followers did enjoy browsing my galleries :)

PS Unfortunately I'm not able to send a huge bouquet of tulips to Maggie, but It's done by mind :)
It's the thought that counts!

I really enjoyed your gallery and find your work both very beautiful and incredibly interesting. I hope many people will go and see and if they can, procure one of your images.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Thank you again Maggie :)
You inspired me (if I mays say ;) ) and I have decided to create a "Confinement diary", started today (on Facebook, Insta, Linkedin, Twitter and here in OPF)

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
That is the way photography needs to be viewed. 👏
It was a real pleasure to see the collector's happiness in discovering the print at home. He invited me to celebrate his acquisition, later it was really amazing to see this dark print in low light, the light areas remained very apparent and the contrasts were simply magical!