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Peeking through the trees in the backyard of my in-laws house

Jim Olson

Well-known member
Just a small pano but I had to because I love these mountains. The one on the left is Baldy & the one on the right is Gray Wolf Ridge.
Shooting with my Sigma 70-300mm
IMG_0647 E6 C9 S3 - IMG_0648 E6 C9 S3.jpg
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Just a small pano but I had to because I love these mountains
Shooting with my Sigma 70-300mm
View attachment 4217
I’m impressed with the Sigma lens!

The 3D drawing of the scene is fabulous. Probably not enough deep snow to ski, but it still looks wonderful!

Can you shoot from a lower position between the trees.

I live those snow covered mountains!


Jim Olson

Well-known member
I’m impressed with the Sigma lens!

The 3D drawing of the scene is fabulous. Probably not enough deep snow to ski, but it still looks wonderful!

Can you shoot from a lower position between the trees.

I live those snow covered mountains!

To many trees & there is a house in the way.
And the mtns are at least 15 miles away so yes, the Sigma is working nicely...

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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I wondered what it would be like closer in.


I hope you can go back and get more!

Or can you drive closer if you were a mask?


Jim Olson

Well-known member
I wondered what it would be like closer in.

View attachment 4223

I hope you can go back and get more!

Or can you drive closer if you were a mask?

I can drive closer, just finding a place to park with a good view of the mtns is the problem. I was looking at some places on the way home from the in-law's house. They only live about 15 min away from us. They live on Kitchen-Dick near Woodcock :LOL: :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: