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3 CF cards work in 1DmkIII will not in 1DsmkIII


Deleted member 55

I have been using 5 8GB Sandisk Ultra II cards ( 2 older from fry's and 3 newer from B&H) all work in my 1DmkII, 1DsmkII, and 1DmkIII but the 3 newer from B&H will not work in my 1DSMKIII no matter what I do.

The 1DsmkIII will not recognize the format and can not reformat. I have tried wiping the partition with my mac and also using different OS types of format still can not reformat in camera or use at all (still works in the 1DmkIII).

I noticed the exact same problem with 2 GB Sandisk Ultra II cards with another user of the 1DsmkIII.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Hi Will
I had no problem (yet!) using 8Gb and 4Gb SanDisk Extreme IV CF with the 1Ds3…

Have you tried to format the card in Mac with RescuePro? (from Sandisk)

I think it has a feature for formating CFs…

Kathy Rappaport

pro member
Did you format them in the other camera and then try to format them in the 3? I had a card that the 5d did not recognize and I formatted it in the 20d; afterward, I put it back in the 5 and it reformatted. I'd heard that it was not uncommon to have that as an issue. Of course, while it worked, I did not trust that card again in the 5d but my husband has used it happily in his 20d. I only use SanDisk and Hoodman cards.
So far my Sandisk 8GB ExIV seem to work fine with no problems as does an ExIII Sd card. I had one weird glitch with my SD ultra II SDHC card when I put it back into my 1DsMkII that sounds ereeily familiar in that it would not recognize format nor format, but after putting it back in the 1DsMkIII and letting it re-initialize the card, I moved it back to my 1DsMkII and it worked fine again.

I have some Ultra II 2GB cards, but have not tried them because I have not seen a reason too yet. So I just tried one and it worked fine, but then it is an older card, which you don't have problems with either.
Hi, folks:

Watch for an EOS-1Ds Mark III firmware update later this week that should resolve compatibility issues with certain CF cards.

Best Regards,

Chuck Westfall
Director/Media & Customer Relationship
Camera Marketing Group/Canon U.S.A., Inc.

Michael Fontana

pro member
>mac and also using different OS types of format still can<

try to format the cams on a friend's PC, that might help.

The card's format is a PC-one, not a mac one. Not sure it will be the solution, but it helped in some other cases.

nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
Bonsoir Michael
CF cards are formatted MS-Dos.

Mac OS X can format MS-Dos (with Disk Utility)
Or thru Sandisk's software (delivered with the card) RescuePro…

Michael Fontana

pro member
Bonsoir Michael
CF cards are formatted MS-Dos.

Mac OS X can format MS-Dos (with Disk Utility)
Or thru Sandisk's software (delivered with the card) RescuePro…

you' re right, Nicolas, Bonsoir..

still there's the fat 32, fat 16 limit/spec; I'm not sure which one disk utility uses.
And DU's help doesn't mentiones it here
>>Any other change made with the new firmware?<<

Yes, there will be at least one other fix for an image quality phenomenon that occurs when using Safety Shift by ISO speed. Other than this and the CF card communication fix, we'll have to wait and see what else the firmware update does.

Best Regards,

Chuck Westfall
Director/Media & Customer Relationship
Camera Marketing Group/Canon U.S.A., Inc.

Deleted member 55

All 5 8GB Sandisk Ultra II cards working with FW 1.06

All 5 8GB Sandisk Ultra II cards working just fine with the new 1.06 FW.