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My World: Annapurna II

fahim mohammed

Well-known member


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

This is a wonder to behold. You are so fortunate to have the time and means to travel to magic places like this. I will attempt to show it with more white space. Tell me if you think that changes your experience.


Fahim Mohammed: Annapurna II


I hope you will write down your thoughts about this place. How long were you there? Did you just come upon this scene once or did you have time to take more pictures and then choose this scene?


fahim mohammed

Well-known member

This is a wonder to behold. You are so fortunate to have the time and means to travel to magic places like this. I will attempt to show it with more white space. Tell me if you think that changes your experience.


I hope you will write down your thoughts about this place. How long were you there? Did you just come upon this scene once or did you have time to take more pictures and then choose this scene?


Good evening Asher,

I saw view from one of my treks in Nepal. Took some photos but most turned out bad.
I could see the mountain while climbing. I did not go near it.

Thank you for your comments.


The white space makes a huge difference..gives it its space and prominence. Thank you.
Me, I have never reached these heights; in climbs or anything else!!
