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    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!

First Post

Paul Braverman

New member
Last fall, I decided to take pictures of things other than my kids. At first, I was planning to be the next Andreas Gursky. But I quickly realized that I didn't have the cameras, the computers, or the crew to take those pictures. (The talent, of course, was not an issue.) So I decided instead to be the next Henri Cartier-Bresson. That ambition has evolved slightly--now, I'm trying to be the next Garry Winogrand. The only problem is that the more I know, the more the gulf f grown between my stuff and Winogrand's. Or Bresson's, or for that matter, many, many other street photographers. Nonetheless, I continue to shoot, and now I am taking the foolhardy chance of posting a picture on this forum. But more than foolhardy, I am desperate for knowledgeable criticism. So please, bring it on. Don't be nice. I can take it.



Paul Braverman

New member

link repaired by Bart Van Der Wolfe using the _c.jpg version of the file which is nice and large! ADK
Last edited by a moderator:

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Last fall, I decided to take pictures of things other than my kids. At first, I was planning to be the next Andreas Gursky. But I quickly realized that I didn't have the cameras, the computers, or the crew to take those pictures. (The talent, of course, was not an issue.) So I decided instead to be the next Henri Cartier-Bresson. That ambition has evolved slightly--now, I'm trying to be the next Garry Winogrand. The only problem is that the more I know, the more the gulf f grown between my stuff and Winogrand's. Or Bresson's, or for that matter, many, many other street photographers. Nonetheless, I continue to shoot, and now I am taking the foolhardy chance of posting a picture on this forum. But more than foolhardy, I am desperate for knowledgeable criticism. So please, bring it on. Don't be nice. I can take it.


Flickr does not easily deliver up URL's for direct linking by design! They want link backs to flickr! See post # 6 from this thread, for the workaround by Maggie:

"for the link above that does not end in a .jpg, if you are on firefox and right-click the page (not the image) choose VIEW PAGE INFO then click on the media tab and you can scroll through any media that is available on the page, the image .jpgs including the image thumbnails. If you do it on this (OPF) page or any other page for that matter, you will see all images including graphics are available to you."

but choose view "page source" to get the URL


Also note that nothing but the URL goes inside the
code! So
codes goe on last. It must be placed outside the statement calling for your image from your flickr gallery!​
. To do that easily, just select the entire
statement either side of your URL and click on the 5th icon in the text editing dialog box, advanced version! Or else, type the code before and after the

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Last fall, I decided to take pictures of things other than my kids. At first, I was planning to be the next Andreas Gursky. But I quickly realized that I didn't have the cameras, the computers, or the crew to take those pictures. (The talent, of course, was not an issue.) So I decided instead to be the next Henri Cartier-Bresson. That ambition has evolved slightly--now, I'm trying to be the next Garry Winogrand. The only problem is that the more I know, the more the gulf f grown between my stuff and Winogrand's. Or Bresson's, or for that matter, many, many other street photographers. Nonetheless, I continue to shoot, and now I am taking the foolhardy chance of posting a picture on this forum. But more than foolhardy, I am desperate for knowledgeable criticism. So please, bring it on. Don't be nice. I can take it.


Pas mal!!! What are they doing? Is this a change of teams?

Had Bresson made this, his assistants would have printed it, opened up! As you don't have that resource, just a simple curve in Photoshop, if that's what you use!


This, BTW, is the _b.jpg form of your file! I'm just a novice at "flickereze", LOL!
Last fall, I decided to take pictures of things other than my kids. At first, I was planning to be the next Andreas Gursky. But I quickly realized that I didn't have the cameras, the computers, or the crew to take those pictures. (The talent, of course, was not an issue.) So I decided instead to be the next Henri Cartier-Bresson. That ambition has evolved slightly--now, I'm trying to be the next Garry Winogrand. The only problem is that the more I know, the more the gulf f grown between my stuff and Winogrand's. Or Bresson's, or for that matter, many, many other street photographers. Nonetheless, I continue to shoot, and now I am taking the foolhardy chance of posting a picture on this forum. But more than foolhardy, I am desperate for knowledgeable criticism. So please, bring it on. Don't be nice. I can take it.


Hi Paul,

Welcome to OPF. I changed the link you posted to your image to point directly to one of the versions that has an address that ends with .jpg .

You've shot an intriguing scene, because it's not immediately clear what's going on. Of course you description at the hosting site explains a bit more. I liked you Misdirection picture over there better than this one though, but that's because I prefer strong compositions.


Tom dinning

Hey, Paul, stick to being Paul Braveman. With a name like that you could be famous before you know it. I know we are all supposed to be super sophisticated arty farty on this site and talk deal and meaningful stuff about photos, but I'm the odd bloke out here. I leave that to the likes of Asher and Bart.
I'll simply say, if you take shots like this all the time you may not even need the classy name. Talent might be enough.
That's what I need. A classy name to improve my profile. Now who's can I use?
