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.... apart from the usual FOX news stories.... black chaps with a stick and white boys with a microphone and a camera .... LOL

looking good.... ....LOOKING REALLY GOOD!

Somewhat excited about the prospect of a possible change in american politics in deed....

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
.... apart from the usual FOX news stories.... black chaps with a stick and white boys with a microphone and a camera .... LOL

looking good.... ....LOOKING REALLY GOOD!

Somewhat excited about the prospect of a possible change in american politics in deed....


I was so excited to see your picture under the title, "Landslide"! Nothing loaded!

I must admit I was disappointed to see zero pictures of the Emerald Isle! In fact, where are you! I miss the landscapes. Forget about American politics. I'm looking forward to seeing your photography and the continuation of your compelling Canadian Saga learning word of wisdom and touching your feet on this great continent!

I gladly sacrifice and delete all my work of the past 4 years if that would help an inch to change american politics towards a policy of ....

....NO FEAR!

See my friend, it is much more about tolerance than you might want to put into your selective acknowledgment basket at this point in time.

But the truth is, you saw both sides, and this in particular astonishes me, considering your at times more than conservative interpretation of your perception.

Bottom line, I guess you came to the wrong conclusions!

Your's Friend
Georg "laughing bear" Baumann
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nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
I'm afraid of the JINX factor...

If I understand correctly the word "JINX", the JINX factor has been bringing war to Irak and massive people and country destruction as well as the world economy…

But maybe the "JINX" is not a game with adventure, exploration and conspiracy…
The article below has appeared on the borowitzreport.com
To read the full article, click here.

Editorial extract from the original article:
November 4, 2008

Failure to Blow Election Stuns Democrats

Party Faithful Mourn End to Losing Tradition

Just minutes after their party's longstanding losing tradition lay in
tatters on the ground, millions of shell-shocked Democrats stared at
their television screens in disbelief, asking themselves what went
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I don't feel there was a landslide of votes as the candidates were separated by only 5% of the popular vote. The delegates are just a mechanism for altering the power of individual votes.

However, the generations of coming together, respect for all ethnic groups, hope and pride and blessing from everywhere is volcanic. That's why I say "Enfin, enfin!

So, I'm open for change*! Obama has given the impression that he will show respect for others. We need the positive to overwhelm the negative and move us forward. So I'll be positive! :)


*Not withstanding my significant fears of lobbyists, role of religion in public policy, doctrinaire socialists and capitalists, stake-holders, campaign promises, export of jobs, lack of energy policy, lack of environmental policy, threatening & dangerous geopolitics and more taxes!
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Jim Galli

48% to 51.5% does not a landslide make. Crap won't even flow downhill at that slight of an angle. No need to set the emergency brake, the car won't roll. Get over it. :rolleyes in derision:

The only person happier than you is Ahmadinejad............

Yes, the mere fact that this guy would offer congratulations to an "American Devil" speaks volumes doesn't it? He's paying his respects to our country's first Muslim president, not our first black President.
I was very disappointed when I awoke this morning and did not find someone else's money in my bank account. Maybe it's a tad early yet for that but a true Messiah would not need to wait until inauguration would he?
I just hope we are all around in three years and everyone's political posts are still here at OPF as well so we can all read over how wrong we were on this one.
However, I too will try to remain positive. He will be my President and I will respect that. I will also be watching him like a hawk. I am looking forward to getting my state issued tractor and my nationalized medical card. After that it's all gravy.
PS - I purchased 2 AK-47's this past week and joined the NRA. No congratulations are necessary.
James Newman

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Yes, the mere fact that this guy would offer congratulations to an "American Devil" speaks volumes doesn't it? He's paying his respects to our country's first Muslim president, not our first black President.
I was very disappointed when I awoke this morning and did not find someone else's money in my bank account. Maybe it's a tad early yet for that but a true Messiah would not need to wait until inauguration would he?
I just hope we are all around in three years and everyone's political posts are still here at OPF as well so we can all read over how wrong we were on this one.
However, I too will try to remain positive. He will be my President and I will respect that. I will also be watching him like a hawk. I am looking forward to getting my state issued tractor and my nationalized medical card. After that it's all gravy.
PS - I purchased 2 AK-47's this past week and joined the NRA. No congratulations are necessary.
James Newman

Hi Jim,

I have to be positive and give Obama the benefit of the doubt. He has managed to generate a lot of support and this can't but help to get some progress in tackling some of the issues I mentioned above. I don't believe he's Muslim and it would not worry me if he was. As long as no one mixes religion and politics and does not use religious organizations to spend my money, a President can prey to what ever he wants. I just don't want politicians who live on our largesse to be spending money that was not earned. I want to encourage people with enterprise to have the ability to hire workers not tax them out of business.


P.S. As far as AK-47s, why do you get a Russian assault rifle? I hate giving other people our jobs! Sure it's a reliable simple weapon but so what!

I don't need a rifle, I have lasers that can burn through body armor and slice them in half. Problem is its heavy and the batteries don't last more than 100 shots.


Jim Galli

Asher, don't get me wrong (easily done). Obama won fair and square and I will give him his chance. In fact I think he'll very likely do just fine. It's the media and the guys slobbering all over me telling me how enormous the slaughter was that gets my undies in a knot. I'm a conservative. Obviously. We had the ball, we dropped it. Fair enough. I'm as hopeful as anyone for the future. I'm actually an optimist, you just have to get to know me well to see it.

If I am fearful, (and I am) it's the liberal agenda wave that will try to be slammed down my throat that I am dreading. Open box rule. Fairness doctrine. Liberals deciding what is and isn't hate speach. Those are my fears, and I would argue they are well founded. We shall see.

doug anderson

New member
I think the politics of hatred are over. There is some house cleaning to be done, certainly. I'm sure after Obama cleans out the Justice Department and appoints his own people the subpoenas will start flowing.

The Bush administration has been the worst thing since the McCarthy years. I'm surprised Bush would even show his face on TV.


Nill Toulme

New member
I'm so happy it's all I can do to stand up. It's a brand new day. ;-)

...with a long hard road ahead. Other than Lincoln and FDR, what newly-elected president was presented with a worse kettle of fish than what Obama is wading into? :-(


Doug Kerr

Well-known member
I hate slogans and code phrases, which here I will, for conciseness, treat as the same thing) in political discourse. They do have an advantage. They allow me, when I get an e-mail message on some social or political issue, to know right away which pile to put it in, liberal or conservative. Not by what the slogan is - rather just based on whether the piece revolves around a slogan or not.

"Socialized medicine" (to be confused with "nationalized medicine") is one of these slogans that is getting a lot of play these days.

Next Thursday Carla will go to an eminent heart clinic in Forth Worth for a battery of complex cardiac tests. (Don't worry - its not because of any problem. It's just the 70,000 mile baseline checkup.)

She goes to the facility of her choice, although this was recommended by her personal physician, also of her choice. (We chose him when we moved to Weatherford because he had a red cross on his sign, which we thought was very stylish. I also go to a barber with a pole.) She will go at the appointed time, established at her convenience, and have the tests done promptly.

The "list price" for the suite of tests is about $15,000.00. It won't cost us a penny directly out of our pockets.

A modest fraction of the cost is paid by our personal insurance, which is not cheap. The bulk of it will be paid for by those of you who are US taxpayers, through the Medicare program.

If this is socialized medicine, I'm all for it.

Best regards,


Ron Morse

New member
With all the hype about Obama being elected I thought investors would be spending. My stocks are falling even faster. What happened?
With all the hype about Obama being elected I thought investors would be spending. My stocks are falling even faster. What happened?

Why anyone would believe that the election of Obama alone would change the fundamentally rotten system flaws, is beyond me. Things will get worse, before they can improve.

Right now the money presses are making overtime, which will result in inflation and price increases. Lot's of loans e.g. by hedge funds will expire soon, and they have to sell their stock positions at any price to meet the payback deadlines or go bankrupt (and to jail?).

Why do you think the exchange rate of the dollar is increasing? Because the economy is strong? No, it's because there is a shortage of US$ cash currency, the fundamentals are worsening still.

As Jim Rogers (a relatively succesful investor) said, the value of stock has nothing to do with the companies themselves, lots of companies needs to sell their stockportfolios at any price because they need cash.
The only worthwhile investment is in commodities, they will skyrocket over the coming years. Beware.

Not a very nice way to start one's first term in office, but be thankfull that Obama is there to make sensible decisions going forwards, like picking the best qualified people to manage the process rather than those that got us in this mess in the first place.


Ron Morse

New member
Why anyone would believe that the election of Obama alone would change the fundamentally rotten system flaws, is beyond me. [\QUOTE]

Because we have been hearing for weeks that as soon as the election is over the market will take off. Do you understand now why someone would say this?

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Ron,

Do you understand now why someone would say this?

I didn't even understand then why someone would say that.

I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow your point. We political moderates are sometimes dense that way.

Best regards,


nicolas claris

OPF Co-founder/Administrator
My stocks are falling even faster. What happened?

Bonsoir Ron
The market did anticipate just before the elections, now it's back till our administrationS take the right decisions and use the right tools…
Our stocks are going the same way as yours, but, unless we don't sell them (hopefully we don't have to) we're not losing any money… That's the good news of the day!
I think the only clear parallel to where we are now economically is 1929. Most people think there was a stock market crash on a single day. The day before there was prosperity and the day after depression. It wsn't lke that, from memory it was teetering over a nine-month period. Australia at that point was already in trouble because there was a world commodity markey slump starting from 1927. The UK had been grinding backwards since 1924 due to Churchill going back on the gold standard at the wrong rate. After 32 or 33, Britain was actually more prosperous in the 30s than it was in the 20s.

I think economic events have a momentum of their own that will take a while to work out. What Obama's election represents is a chance to put in place a carefully considered set of effective policies to make the best of the situation. Once again, the parallel is probably FDR who followed up on the ineffectual economic policies of Hoover. He is generally seen in retrospect in terms of what his policies came to be but what initially elected he was essentially an economic pragmatist prepared to try whatever it took.

I'm not saying we're heading for a depression but with all hands off the tiller or another four years of President George III we would be. The capacity to deal with such problems is much greater now than it was in 1929 although due to economic globalisation the size of the problem could potentially become much greater.

I suppose there will be one benefit if in fact we do have a catastrophic world depression - it will slow the potential descent into environmental armageddon. I don't think it will happen like that but it seems likely that as the economic problems start to ease the ecological problems may become more urgent.

Back to the election, though. RealClearPolitics is showing the voting result as 53% Obama to 46% McCain which happens to be the 7% swing they were predicting as a poll average just before the election. Compared to the polls, the divergence in most of the closer States in the last day or so was that those leaning to McCain went further in that direction and those leaning to Obama went further in his direction.

What I find fascinating though is how regional the results are. McCain's territory is the South and the MidWest. Apart from latino inroads in the central southwest, the battleground states are essentially related to the old North/South dividing line.

The electoral college results are very close to those of 1896. In those days it was perhaps more the case that the Republican Party was the progressive party of Abraham Lincoln and the Democrats were the Conservatives. Cleveland, the sitting President did not stand again after two terms. McKinlay defeated the Democrat candidate (Bryan) with an electoral result that looks very similar to last Tuesday's. That was the start of a successful Republican era of 16 years until they tore themselves apart in the 1912 election.


doug anderson

New member
Why anyone would believe that the election of Obama alone would change the fundamentally rotten system flaws, is beyond me. [\QUOTE]

Because we have been hearing for weeks that as soon as the election is over the market will take off. Do you understand now why someone would say this?

I think that the structural changes necessary to repair the rotten system is what Obama is all about. Bush has spent eight years trying to dismantle everything Roosevelt put in place; it will take some bare knuckled fighting to reconstruct them. It will take more than eight years. It will take heart, and I think Obama has it; he will get us started. What we have to worry about is a great backsliding in to predatory capitalism after he leaves office. And the far right will try to obstruct all his actions while he is in office.

I'm hoping for something like the WPA , through which millions of jobs can be created to repair the country's ailing infrastructure.

He will also have to regulate the outrageous amount of corporate greed that has become part of our system. It has made consumer relations adversarial at every level, from incomprehensible phone menus to "hidden charges" to usurious interest rates.

He can't do this by himself. He needs everybody. The greedy bastards are going to have to pay their taxes like everybody else and do their part.

