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My World: Panos from a summit in Cascades

This is my first photo post on this forum. Panos are my thing for both their sweep of the grand landscape (which I'm often blessed to witness here in the Cascades), and to achieve fine detail for large prints.

Here are a couple of my favorites taken last summer on the evening of my 56th birthday when I bivouacked alone near the summit of Kyes Peak in Washington's Cascade mountains.

Sunset to the west:

Sunset north:

Dawn north:

Sunrise east:

Summit slopes in the morning from bivy (Glacier Pk. behind):

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Sunrise east:

Summit slopes in the morning from bivy (Glacier Pk. behind):


This one suggests to me a woman lying, thighs towards us with her hands and some fabric covering her breasts. You're brilliant!

Asher :)

BTW, you might also show them 800 pixels wide to help those with smaller monitors

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Sunrise east:
Summit slopes in the morning from bivy (Glacier Pk. behind):


This one suggests to me a woman lying, thighs towards us with her hands covering her breasts. You're brilliant!

Asher :)

BTW, you might also show them 800 pixels wide to help those with smaller monitors
Beautifull. Could you please post some smaller versions if possible? They make his 30 inch monitor tiny and make my 23 inch monitor miniscule!
Sorry for the size problems guys. Most of the sites I post to use thumbs on the page, which are clicked for full size which opens in another window, which auto resizes to fit the monitor, then you click to see the full version. I love to look at detail in big panos like this on my 30" monitor, so I size my web stuff at 768 px high, put a border, and let the width go.

fahim mohammed

Well-known member
Jim, these are excellent more for the position you took to capture these panos.

Not in any way trying to disturb Asher's vision of what these represent, I am more practical..

I just want to climb, clinging, over these damn things. On my Macbook Air they look negotiable.

Great stuff, the photographs.

Andrew Stannard

pro member

These look absolutely fantastic - although difficult to appreciate as a complete image at the moment on my monitor!

Your bivouack looks in an enviable, if rather chilly, spot.


Tracy Lebenzon

New member
This is very nice work done in challenging lighting conditions.

I love the Cascades and spend a lot of time by Mt. Rainier but haven’t spent much time on the peaks for a few years.

Your work makes me glad I have 2 23” monitors so I can enjoy the scale!

Valentin Arfire

New member
Hi Jim - impressive images; thank you for sharing

as a personal thought, I believe your lone time away from the world was fruitful. Just keep on and share us such images and places
Thanks for all the comments. It wasn't very cold up there on Aug. 2, so I got away quite comfortably with a very light sleeping bag and a bivy sack.

I need at least one such solo trip every year to focus on my photography. Most of my mountain trips are skiing or climbing and I have to grab photos as I can while pursuing other goals (and keeping up with my younger partners). Because of that I often just carry a P&S in an easy access pouch on my shoulder strap. On this trip I brought my SLR and tripod to the summit in a long day of hiking/climbing with no agenda other than photography. I lucked out with the clouds.


New member
Hi Jim,

These are stunning panos; thanks for sharing them with us.

I was over in Seattle last year visiting my son, and we drove out to Paradise to view Mt. Rainier and the Cascades. Couldn't walk too far because we had my 3 yo grandson with us, and my knees are knackered, but we enjoyed some beautiful views.

Most of the sites I post to use thumbs on the page, which are clicked for full size which opens in another window....

You can do this by using the following:

 [ url=url of big image ][ img ]url of small image[/img][/url]
Remove the spaces inside the [...] tags.

