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Pan's Labyrinth

Ivan Garcia

New member
Last night I went to see this fantastic film with a friend, I had a sleep over at his house (I know is back to primary school for me lol), He lives by a mini forest and the film inspired me to take this picture.
Critique welcome.
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Ivan Garcia

New member
Asher, thank you for your comments, and links (sorry too much wine today lol).
Right; adjustment layers galore to improve tonality and feel to match my vision, (some painting on the mask to isolate my objective). I could not get enough depth of field, so I used the lens blur filter in cs2 (selectively ), finally crop to 10 by 8 and saved to web, (also some selective dodge and burn) took me an hour to get it there.

Ivan Garcia

New member
Hello Asher
As requested here is the straight raw conversion.


My friend and I went for a walk in this mini forest, the light was not great and I thought to myself “I will never come out of this place with a decent image”; that was until I came across this wonderful log, I knew the colour could be improved in CS2, and the picture was taken with postproduction in mind.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi Ivan,

Thanks for posting the original! I can now see hte journey you took from the woods to Pan's glade!
