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The Arizona Republican presidential primary election

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
The state of Arizona will conduct presidential primary elections on Tuesday, February 28, 2012.

In the Republican primary, the contender receiving the greatest number of votes (statewide) wins this "prize": when the Arizona delegates to the Republican National Convention are chosen (later, at the State Republican Convention), those delegates will be obligated to use their best efforts at the convention for that contender at the first round of balloting unless that contender earlier withdraws or "releases" his delegates.

There is a curiosity in the application of the national Republican Party penalty for states whose Republican primary election or caucuses selects or binds delegates "too early" (before March 6, 2012 in the case of Arizona).

Because the Arizona Republican primary election "binds" delegates (even though it does not choose those delegates), Arizona suffers the penalty: a reduction in the number of its delegates to the Republican National Convention (from 58 to 29).

Nevertheless, the state party indicates that at its state convention, it will select 58 delegates, which will be committed to the contender receiving the greatest number of votes in the February 28, 2012 primary election.

Best regards,
