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The merchants of Venice.

Tom dinning

A small collection of those who keep Venice afloat. Locals are an endangered species in Venice. But everyone must be housed, clothed, fed and entertained.
My camera is not blind to this. My working class background can’t allow me to ignore what is important.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Yes, Tom,

The lives of Venetians are hard. Because of the high rents, the vast majority of citizens could never afford to actually live in their city.

These workers come by train and boat every day or by motor cycle and mopeds and then walk!

The boarded of tourists are like invading rats, devouring scenes, getting “stuff” to prove they had a great time!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

This is a very brutally down to earth picture and so well done. It shows the stark reality of real dependence on water transport for everything. But the Venetians have built family traditions of workers each adapted to particular needs of maintaining the pulse of the City.

The is a tough manual-worker driven way of servicing millions of stores, workshops, entertainment centers, hospitals and visitors who need to be fed goods and services.


Tom dinning

Such images deserve the best I can give, Ash, in spite of my meagre skills. Landscape, portraits, flowers and the like are all well and good but there is truth in labour that is so much part of every culture. We respect those who work, especially where others benefit from their labours.
I admire that in any person. My father would often speak to these people about the task they are about. He would admire verbally and by his inquiry. I do so as well with the added homage of the image.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Such images deserve the best I can give, Ash, in spite of my meagre skills. Landscape, portraits, flowers and the like are all well and good but there is truth in labour that is so much part of every culture. We respect those who work, especially where others benefit from their labours.
I admire that in any person. My father would often speak to these people about the task they are about. He would admire verbally and by his inquiry. I do so as well with the added homage of the image.
My habit is always to shun those who sit on boards of companies, who have golf caddies to carry their gear or who drive polished cars.

I befriend workers: craftsmen, bakers, mechanics, farmers, junk dealers, chemists, scientists, plumbers, pilots and doctors as they depend on real skills and labor which relies on their sweat equity rather than their good fortune and investments. The pure stock traders and investors who know math are intriguing sometimes too,

as are the few experts in logic who know how to standup to bullying politicians and right wing xenophobia!

One such fellow is Richard Carrier. Doesn’t work with his hands but he’s a very useful fellow!


Tom dinning

Being happy in ones work is important.
Being happy that someone thinks it worthy of recording is important.
Being happy I recorded the moment is important to me.



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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I am happy to see respect for the workers and framing them as worthy examples of our society in a way that is worth saving and showing to others. This is both documenting the society as well as an esthetic work to be enjoyed.

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I really like the tonality of these black and white images. The content and visual focus make these easy to look at and admire. I find the second image with the strong leading lines and offset subjects, particularly powerful. It catches my eye immediately when scrolling through the pics.

Tom dinning

Thanks Robert.
I wish I could say I did the second with what you said in mind.
Unfortunately, or perhaps with some measure of luck, I seem to be able to get what I wanted.
My ‘street sense’ is a conglomeration of nervousness, alertness, spontaneity and gall.

It’s my consciousness I react with. Find life where it is, find places in dark corners, take note of the unusual and usual.

I don’t ask, I don’t respond. My wish is not to disturb the pattern of life that exists by my presence or actions.
This does find me in unpredictable situations at times. It certainly keeps the adrenaline pumping.

occasionally, as with the latter, I have the additional pleasure of a response. Perhaps it will give them something to discuss over smoko.
