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WWII style PP attempt

Taken yesterday at Camariilo Air Show with something like this in mind:


Original color shot:


Taken with Canon 30D + EF-S 10-22 (I know, not your standard classic portrait lens :), and processed in PS CS2.
Fairly basic treatment: sepia, "blanding" (lowering dynamic range), vingetting, aging (I used plain "Clouds"), warping, adding shadow and looking for USAF stencil font...
You know, nothing special. I wandered a lot looking for "it", but the resulting set can be done in less than 5 minutes...

Hope you likie :)

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

The guys look like they are so ready to kick butt!

I'm so impressed by the dedication and professionalism of the pilots, engineers and mechics who toil away to keep these World War II fighters and bombers in pristine condition. Thanks for introducing us to these wonderful people.

Please post more!

Thanks, Asher!
They are coming. Got another 600+ shots today. Unfortunately, no readily available weekend to pay them a due diligence :-(. I'm culling and churning the basic flight stuff now, and probably will be done by midnight. But I also have some nice "display" pics (including same fellows from the shot and their new pardner) which would be a shame to subject to the same lame kwiky post I'm doing to the rest...
It was great to meet you and W. Glad you made it back alright!