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Racism is thriving in the American Midwest


Deleted member 55

It doesn't seem to me that our colleague Will Thompson is a very religious guy, but I heard that he has a muslin background.

Best regards,


And to think I always thought of myself as a Passive Indignant!

doug anderson

New member
Just to walk, at least in imagination, in someone else's shoes for a while. I have a background in clinical psychology though haven't practiced for decades. But what experiences with psychiatric patients, prisoners in jail, older people with dementia, etc. taught me was that if you really listen and look, the craziest, most disturbing behavior can become understandable from their frame of reference. People live in different realities. The photographers I admire the most came to similar conclusions and embraced them in their work. That knowledge helps me not to get too irate with those whose ideas and lifestyle I don't share.

Too true.

By the way, what a great way to look at photography.